Forex Profits
As a trading advisor in the markets for almost half a decade, I have come to realize a few things about taking the profits. The first thing is to find a low risk trading opportunity then make sure your risk is lower than your potential gain and executing the trade with discipline. In the beginning the best thing is to do this on a demo account or on a single contract basis.
The good thing is that the most of the Commodity Trading Advisors say that you only need one type of strategy or pattern to trade the markets successfully. Become an expert in your form of market pattern or strategy. By this what I mean is that your form of entry and exit has to be low risk and high yielding. Ask yourself the following questions while developing a trading system. What do I want from the markets? How much is my risk when I am entering the trade?
What is my potential gain (make sure that it is bigger than your potential loss) and then trade this whole game with discipline. I have been teaching traders for a few years and the only one's who succeed have patience and discipline to trade my strategies on a demo account till they are comfortable without paying any money to the markets while gaining experience. I call it free experience! and then starting small accounts. Once you memorize the game, it is much easier to play. Happy trading and a prosperous life.
by: Adnan Kaleemi